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Trusted Translations Leads Discussion on Mobile Search at Localization World 2012 in Seattle

Gustavo Lucardi, Online Marketing Expert, Examines Key Elements of ‘Being Found’ in the Mobile World.

Washington, D.C. (PRWEB) – October 24, 2012, Trusted Translations, online marketing expert, Gustavo Lucardi, presented “Mobile Search! The Next Localization Frontier” at this year’s Localization World in Seattle, Washington. Localization World is one of the key conferences for companies doing business globally who have a need to address their markets in multiple languages. While the overall theme of the conference, held on October 17-19, was “Reaching the Mobile World”, Mr. Lucardi slightly shifted the focus of his discussion to concrete actions that could be taken to be “found” in the mobile world. This included, as elaborated by Mr. Lucardi in his discussion, key ways to optimize presence on search platforms utilized by Google, Microsoft and Apple on mobile devices.

“Being found or ‘ranking’ on mobile devices requires addressing a different set of challenges than ranking on desktops or laptops,” noted Mr. Lucardi. He then expanded on the importance of focusing on the design of the site for mobile devices as it not only has an impact on the user experience but has an impact on how search engines on mobile devices treat a particular site.

To illustrate this point, Mr. Lucardi utilized the recent launch of Trusted Interpreters’ site as an example of a design that adapts itself to almost any device. Trusted Interpreters, Trusted Translations’ interpretation services division, is one of the only interpretation companies in the market with a site with a responsive design.

“Another extremely, and relatively obvious, key element of mobile search optimization is geographic focus. In other words, any optimization effort for mobile devices has to be centered on what is referred to as local search engine optimization,” commented Mr. Lucardi.

Mr. Lucardi ended his discussion mentioning the impact of having a mobile application in the “Mobile World”. He gave several examples of how translation companies were utilizing mobile applications to build their overall online mobile authority. Mr. Lucardi stated that just having a mobile application could make a particular company or site more relevant on mobile searches in general. He compared this tactic to improving your natural search rankings by having a solid social media strategy. While not directly related, there is a clear impact on search engine results.

Localization World 2012 was held at Bell Harbor International Conference Center. Mr. Lucardi was one of many industry experts to speak and present at this year’s conference. Mr. Lucardi also hosted another session titled “Is Our World Ready to Churn Out World-ready Mobile Applications?” with speaker Akulaa Agarwal from Adobe Systems, Inc.

The conference program offered 10 tracks including: Global Business, Global Web, Content Strategy, Mobility, Translation Automation, Standards, Localization Core Competencies, Advanced Localization Management, Unconference and The Inside Track.