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Trusted Translations to Launch on Helpouts by Google

Trusted Translations will offer on-demand and scheduled professional language services, including live interpretation services, over Helpouts by Google.

Mountain View, CA. (PRWEB) – November 05, 2013, Trusted Translations announced today that they will be offering professional interpretation and translation services, including live on-demand and scheduled video interpretation, on Google’s new innovative platform Helpouts.

Helpouts by Google, launched today, is a new video service platform that allows people to easily connect with experts on a wide range of topics from cooking to language services. While many of the Helpouts may be offered at no cost, other listings will have either a per-minute or a flat rate per-hour rate. The Helpouts platform offers a 100% guarantee on paid services, and all Helpouts experts have been vetted to help ensure a high level of quality across the entire platform.

As the professional translation and interpretation provider on Helpouts, Trusted Translations core-service offering over the platform will be live professional interpretation services in several key languages, including Spanish interpretation, French Interpretation, Brazilian Portuguese interpretation and American Sign Language services. Trusted Translations’ initial objective is to offer the top 25 most popular language pairs within 6 months of the launch. These professional offerings will be charged on a per-minute basis at highly competitive rates. The service also allows for users to consult with Trusted Translations’ language experts on general language topics.

Trusted Translations will also have experts providing other language-related Helpouts. In particular, the company will provide expert consulting on professional translation and interpretation projects. These educational Helpouts sessions will provide information about the process and the key elements of each service offering for those looking to learn more about professional translation and interpretation services. In terms of translation services, the Helpouts will include expert advice on the quality-control process utilized during translation projects; the use of translation-memory tools to enhance quality and consistency; typical and rush turnaround times for a translation, certified translations, website translations, dialect and country-specific localizations (e.g., what variant of Spanish to use), and many more translation-related issues.

With respect to the professional translation process, Trusted Translations will have experts available to discuss the nuances of a professional interpretation. These will include expert advice on the different types of interpretation (e.g., consecutive vs. simultaneous), the number of interpreters recommended for a particular project (e.g., longer projects may require two linguists even for one language pair), discussion on different dialects, and legal interpretations and the use of certified interpreters, among others. Further, our experts will be able to discuss the types of interpretation equipment used for certain types of interpretation projects, such as conference interpretation.

Trusted Translations will also be utilizing the platform to provide live American Sign Language services on-demand. Trusted Translations is a leading sign language provider for the U.S. government at the federal level and for the Miami-Dade county public school system. Helpouts is an ideal way for Trusted Translations to give individuals and organizations in need of accessibility services for the deaf community an immediate on-demand solution available on almost any PC, tablet or smartphone.

“After working for several months with Google, we are excited about the endless benefits the Helpouts platform will offer those seeking expert language advice and services. Further, we are eager to utilize the platform to provide accessibility services to the deaf community at the touch of a button,” commented CEO Richard Estevez. The Helpouts platform went live November 4, 2013 at 9pm PST. If you have any questions regarding Trusted Translations and its services offering over Helpouts by Google, please contact us at