Trusted Translations at ELIA Conference in Malta

Since 2010, ELIA (European Language Industry Association) has been holding a series of conferences, called Networking Days. These events, which give participants the opportunity to establish business relationships, share and compare styles of work, and increase their knowledge, are programmed throughout the world. This time around, the city selected to host this event was St. Julian’s, on the beautiful island nation of Malta.

This selection was particularly appropriate given that, for its condition as a Mediterranean trade enclave, the island of Malta has a linguistic diversity much greater than average. Without a doubt, professionals from the translation industry will feel at home in St. Julian’s.

Trusted Translations will participate in this event with a presentation titled “Improve Your Search Engine Ranking,” led by CEO Richard Estevez and COO Gustavo Lucardi. It will be an interactive presentation in which presenters will dialogue with the public to provide practical solutions to their problems related to search engine optimization (SEO).

Those participating are encouraged to send the URLs of the websites they want analyzed ahead of time to

As we have highlighted many times, search engine optimization is a fundamental tool for today’s organizations, and its success will depend largely on the translation and linguistic strategies that each company adopts. To obtain more information about SEO and other online marketing strategies, get in touch with our staff or request a free quote.

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