How is a .properties File Translated?

Due to the current technological advances, the variety of files needed to be processed to translate increase as well. In the translation business, professionals must be able to work with and manipulate different types of files to avoid limitations at work. One of the most common files is the Properties files known, as .properties.

But why are these files not as well known? Well, it’s simple. It stores settings that are generally used in Java files, which therefore contain specific information regarding the application itself. But today, with all the tool improvements there is less risk of modifying the structure of the file than before.

We must keep in mind that character coding for each language must be in place for us to view the text correctly. Luckily, tools like Trados should recognize the content, even if it may need some specific settings. Other tools like Memsource, can distinguish segments that shouldn’t be modified, allowing for an easy translation and assuring that there be no corrections needed by a developer.

This type of file is part of a structure of an application. It is essential to use a glossary or save the segments in a memory since the terms used must be the same terms applied in the application. In case of an update, it is sometimes enough to run a memory, as with any other MS Office files, in order to catch the differences.

As technology progresses, the translation services and tools must advance as well. If we don’t keep up with these developments, we can begin to encounter limitations in our business offers. Translation services act as a bridge into other cultures and as professionals in the business we are responsible for offering our clients as many options possible to meet our clients’ needs.

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