Movie Watch: The best translation movies to watch.

There are movies for everything. Whether you want to laugh, cry, be scared, solve mysteries, the movie world has it all. Well, what if you want to watch movies that include the line of work you’re in? We’ve got you covered! Here is a list of 13 great movies that range from funny, light and historic, to dramatic, heavy and mysterious. So get comfy and ready to spend an afternoon –or a few, indoors.

The Woman with the 5 Elephants: In order to survive, a Ukranian woman learns how to speak German at her home. It later becomes her primary work and she ends up translating works by Dostoevsky, the Russian novelist.

Fresh Suicide: A bit of a heavy and dramatic movie, it depicts an Indian translator who is working for a journalist featuring farmers’ suicides.

Tradurre: Inspiring documentary that takes you in a journey to understand the beauty of translation and how much of an art it can be. You can even watch it for free here

Dances with Wolves: A Civil War movie, depicting interpretation conversations between a medicine man and an American soldier.

The Mummy: Translation of Egyptian ancient texts, with a kick for adventures and mystery.

Blood Diamond: Because knowing Krio -a language spoken in Sierra Leone- might just get you the girl!

The Interpreter: One of the best movies depicting how exact interpreters have to be, especially in dangerous settings.

Lost in Translation: Directed by Sofia Coppola, this movie depicts hilarious misunderstandings that result from inaccurately translating from one language to another.

Zero Dark Thirty: A recent event that has affected so many lives in our era.  A very interesting take at the differences between interpreters who work for the military and “regular” interpreters.

Spanglish: Culture clash, language mixing and a little girl interpreting for her mother, who can’t speak English, make for a family, light and funny movie.

Amistad: Court interpreters will be absolutely identified with this Steven Spielberg movie.

Desert Flower: An entire life can take the wrong turn if you are at a hospital bed and use an interpreter who is not qualified.

Charade: The beautiful and always classy Audrey Hepburn plays as an interpreter for the United Nations in this 1963 movie directed by Stanley Donens.

And, if you happen to be a movie director in need of subtitles or dubbing for your movie, contact us for a free quote!