Search Globe: The Globe That Shines Bright

Google has launched a new graphical tool that is visually powerful. Search Globe, in principle, shows the number of searches done on in a day and the languages ​​in which these searches were made.

These data, which written out in numbers would be overwhelming and even incomprehensible, become clear and simple thanks to a 3D image: here the languages ​​are shown in different colors and amounts in lines that move up and that are clearer when the world is rotated with the mouse.

Another thing is that everything that is clear becomes even more obvious: for example, no lights in Antarctica, and there are very few in Africa, where access to the Internet (and in many places electricity) are scarce. Europe, by contrast, glows in a compact form with different colors by country/language. In eastern Canada, for another example, the area of ​​Quebec, which uses a different color for searches in French, the difference in language can be seen.

It is also interesting to see the global distribution of population and development every 5 years (

This tool was developed and designed by the Google Data Arts Team and uses hardware resources of the computer to generate rapid images in 3D. To use it, you must have a WebGL enabled browser such as Google Chorme.

The developers made this an open source platform so that other developers can make their own globes using geographic data and encourage them to share their shining globes on the page.

(Versión en español:

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