Why You Should Translate into Spanish

More and more companies are deciding to translate their websites, corporate documents and company services into Spanish. Is this a chance occurrence? I don’t think so.

I don’t think so because translating into Spanish can have very positive repercussions on a company’s productivity and revenue, for several reasons, including those I list below.

It is commonly known that Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world; in fact it is the second most used language in international communication after English and the third most used language on the Internet.

It is estimated that in three generation’s time the Spanish speaking population will represent 10% of the whole world, and that in 2040 the country with the greatest number of Spanish speakers will be the United States, relegating Mexico to second place.

Likewise, Spanish is the second most in-demand language for education topics, as it is currently being studied by 20 million people. The continued growth of its presence in the commercial sphere shows that having a good knowledge of the language can open many doors.

What’s more, as we saw earlier, its presence in the United States continues to increase at a rapid pace, and it’s no small matter that the number of American companies looking to translate all of the information about their company into Spanish is ever greater. Vast numbers of them are doing exactly that.

With all of this being true, and in spite of the difficult international economic situation, I feel that it wouldn’t be a mistake, but in all probability a great decision, to invest in the translation of all corporate material into Spanish.

The economic moment that we are experiencing could represent an opportunity to seek alternatives, broaden the market, and try to reach a larger and more diverse number of clients… Translating the entirety of your corporate content into Spanish would open up a market that includes more than 21 countries in which it is the official language, besides the United States where, although it is not official, its presence in so many places is overwhelming.

At the same time it is of utmost importance to highlight that, along with the importance of translating documents into Spanish, the quality of this work is just as essential. This means that the job of translating into Spanish should be given to translation agencies with extensive and proven experience. This is the only way to ensure that you receive quality service and advice on any potential translation into Spanish regarding the best options for you, according to your target audience and specific needs.

Paying for professional translation also means that your intelligent initiatives aren’t obscured by a deficient translation that doesn’t reach their target audience in a timely manner, thus causing the loss of a client, or a decrease in the contracting of services. It would be a real shame to lose out on a great business expansion opportunity as a result of not entrusting the service to translation professionals.

(Versiòn en español: https://www.trustedtranslations.com/por-que-traducir-al-espanol-2011-11-07.html)

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