Content Writing

A multilingual content strategy requires excellent content. From blogs and articles to white papers and e-books, Trusted Translations writers will produce marketing content that boosts your company’s profile and helps you build a lasting customer base.

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Content That Informs and Engages

Content writing is the cornerstone of any long-term marketing strategy. Designed to inform, entertain and engage readers, content writing helps generate organic leads, increase engagement and brand loyalty, and establish your company’s authority on a specific topic or in a given industry.

While blog posts are one of the better-known forms of content writing, content covers a wide range of formats, including articles, white papers, e-books, long-form social media posts, newsletters, case studies, and more. A diverse portfolio of content types offers unique ways to connect with potential customers through each piece of writing.

How Can Multilingual Content Writing Help Your Business?

Piece by piece, content writing builds long-lasting connection, generates customer loyalty, and helps craft your organization’s original voice. Therefore, content writing is the perfect approach for winning over clients that prefer to get to know a company closely before investing time and money. Well-informed articles, personable stories, and authoritative blog posts can feel more genuine than an impersonal quick sell; this type of content appeals to readers’ desire to do their own research and weigh their options before making a purchase.

Content writing also delivers a treasure trove of usable content to your business, which can then be utilized in a variety of creative ways throughout your marketing. For example, many organizations use their websites to offer a free piece of content—such as a white paper, e-book, or a case study—that visitors can access by signing up for a mailing list. Other companies might repurpose quotes and excerpts from their blog posts for social media campaigns. Meanwhile, graphic design teams can turn your content into a video, infographic, or other eye-catching visual. In other words, a single piece of content writing can produce significant value well after its first publication.

Did You Know?
Marketers who prioritize blogging are more likely to see a positive ROI.
Did You Know?
Quality content writing is a top factor in building brand credibility.
Did You Know?
72% of marketers believe content creation increases customer engagement.
Did You Know?
More than 75% of Internet users regularly read blog content.
Did You Know?
Did You Know?

SEO-Boosting Content

Expertly crafted content will also use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to improve your organization’s rankings in online search engines. Content writing is therefore a cost-effective way to create conversations around your products or services. The more a piece of content is viewed and shared, the more free, organic marketing you will gain from digital word of mouth—your content could even go viral. Given the immense reach and widespread popularity of social media worldwide, this is one critical way to stand out from the crowd.

Multilingual Strategy

When seeking to enter new markets in new languages, it’s all the more important to have content that speaks with both accuracy and originality to these new audiences. As the competitiveness of the global market only increases year by year, a solid multilingual content strategy is the key to sustainable success.

The Trusted Translations team offers high-quality content writing across the full spectrum of content types, combined with industry-specific knowledge and exceptional language skills. Contact us to learn more about our solutions to your multilingual content needs.