A universal language

After several attempts to make it a universal language, this year Esperanto celebrates its 125th anniversary. Created in 1887 by  Lázaro Zamenhof, Esperanto is used in many media  forms, as well as in literature. A large number of classical and popular publications have been translated, and are available in the language.

Today with the technological explosion generated by social media, many people have the option of communicating via Esperanto. Internet has assisted greatly in spreading the language, and has in fact helped to revive it. Without going any further Google and Facebook, among others, already have the option of Esperanto as a default language.

The Esperanto alphabet is formed of 27 characters, each of which has its own particular identifying sound. It is a very simple language, easy to write, and most of the words come from Latin. This makes it easy to learn, thanks to the simplicity of its grammar.

It is apparently possible to be fluent in the language in just 5 months. The idea of creating a common language for everyone aims, in part, to create cultural and communication equality among all the citizens of the world. Zamenhof states that many of the conflicts experienced by different countries were a consequence of misunderstandings. Thus Esperanto should become a tool that would make global communication easier.

Today it is estimated that there are between one- and two million Esperanto speakers. Will Zamenhof’s dream to make it into the unique and universal language one day come true?

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