Do They Speak the Same Language in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan?

I recently wrote about Uzbek, the Turkic language mainly spoken in Uzbekistan, but which is also spoken in Turkmenistan.

Now I would like to briefly discuss Turkmen, another Turkic language and the official language of Turkmenistan. We emphasize that although these two languages ​​share similar cultures and geographic areas, they ​​are different and a translator of Uzbek cannot necessarily translate to Turkmen.

While Turkmen is the official language of Turkmenistan, it also widely spoken in Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey, and the United States.

The Turkmen script came into existence in the early twentieth century, and at that time the writing system used was Arabic, which is the same as what happened at the beginning of the history of Uzbek. Later, the Latin alphabet was used to represent the alphabet in writing, and then it was changed again to Cyrillic. Since the declaration of independence in 1991, Turkmen is written in the version of the Latin alphabet based on the Turkish script.

Most citizens of Turkmenistan are Turkmen, but they coexist with Russians and Uzbeks.

Turkmen is the official language of Turkmenistan, but it is worth mentioning that Russian is spoken as a second language, and the 1992 Constitution regarded it as a “language of interethnic communication.”

Again, our intention is to emphasize that beyond the similarities that may exist between one language and another (in this case, Uzbek and Turkmen) the best practice as always is to rely on a professional translation in the target language.

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