Does Surprise Create Disorder?

Each time we see less exciting performances in this World Cup, since, as time goes by, fewer and fewer teams are participating.

Some rivals are surprised when faced with a high-performance team, and those surprises are handled differently: some become baffled and discouraged; others continue to compete and adapt quickly to an unexpected goal, which is the true display of flexibility.

When I see the level of professionalism in these players, I can’t help but compare them with the day-to-day in my profession and notice the similarities.

In most projects each stage develops the normal way in which it was planned, of course. But in some projects we experience unforeseen issues, such as power outages, personal problems that stop a translator from working or interruption of Internet services.

Against this background of surprises, I should highlight the exceptional work of the project coordinators, who really act with full diligence and skill in solving small problems or obstacles in each stage and ensuring that the final delivery is carried out as planned.

Coordinators react to the unexpected with this ease, because their planning, a basic requirement of any project, includes the element of surprise. They estimate beforehand a reasonable time line for the project to flow smoothly, even if encountered with a problem.

To my fellow coordinators: thanks for making the surprise factor a foreseeable part of the project!