Is there an app for that?

In this fast paced world, as we travel and go on the most remote of places, there are millions of ways to stay connected. We can travel to Hong Kong, Italy, France, Greece, or anywhere else in the world and we can somehow find an app to predict our jetlag, another to show us a map of our current location, bus routes, where to eat, where to go, and everything in between. On the iTunes app store, in the travel section alone, there are over 3,000 apps to help us navigate the world easily and efficiently . But can we connect with the people that we meet along the way if we don’t speak the same language? Well, believe it or not, there’s an app for that, too! Google Translate is a great tool for a quick translation; however, it is not by any means a language learning tool. So here are the top four apps to keep us multilingual or at least get us talking to some locals next time we are feeling wanderlust in need to explore the world.

World Nomad’s Language Guides – If you are an avid traveler, you have probably heard or seen World Nomad’s guides for everything related to travel. One of the most important aspects of travelling is being able to communicate, whether for an emergency or to find the closest bar. These guys have created 28 Language Guides including Swahili, Nepali and Arabic, among other of the most common ones: Spanish, Italian and French. MSNBC recently rated them as the #1 language translation app, and best of all…it’s free!

Busuu – The name of this website comes from a language spoken in Cameroon, which apparently nowadays only 8 people in the world are able to speak. They have a very different approach to learning and it makes it easy to connect with native speakers, which is definitely a plus! Their service is also free, and they base it on 150 learning units that cover topic areas and grammar, with content based on images and sounds. And, you can upgrade the free service to get premium member features.

Oops! I’ve actually talked about four apps…Stay tuned to my next post if you would like to learn about the other two! Meanwhile, no need to be an Android app developer to contact us today for a free quote. Feel free to visit our site at

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