
Is a tool used to carry out comparative language studies by using a translation memory.

History of the Program

It was created by Keith Godfrey in 2000.

At first, it was written in C++, but in February of 2001 the first Java version was launched on the market.  At this point in its development it processed Office documents, Unicode text and html, and only allowed block segmentation, which in general implied that the text was segmented into paragraphs.  Since versions 1.4.4 to 1.6.0, Maxym Mykhalchuk was in charge of the project development of this program.  Eventually, Henry Pijffers replaced him in this position.  Currently, Didier Briel is in charge of this project.

How it Works

1. The professional translator copies the source documents, the translation memories and his/her glossaries into the project folder.

2. The program extracts text to be translated.

3. As the professional translator is working, translation concordances from the translation memory and the glossary appear in a window.  Partially concordant segments  may be included in the text using predetermined key combinations.  The professional translator may define the concordance threshold above which the program automatically inserts the concordant translations from the memory or the glossary.

4. The translator can go back and forth between files using a project files window.  Also, the translator can pass to another segment within the same file by using a key combination or double clicking on the desired segment.

5. In order to share a translation memory, OmegaT allows segments loaded in an intermediate standard format (.tmx – translation memory eXchange) to be exported.

File Formats that may be Processed

This program accept the following file formats:

1. text files (supported by Java) of diverse encodings, including Unicode,

2. .html/.xhtml files,

3. Java files,

4. StarOffice, and Open Document,

5. OpenOffice .xml,

6. .xliff files,

7. DocBook,

8. Portable Object.

Your Opinion

We would like you to share your experiences using this program.  This will allow us to compare it to other compouter assisted translation programs.  We invite you to participate in the TRUSTED TRANSLATIONS forum.

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