Quick Guide for the Translation Buyer

When it comes time to translate a document, finding the right service provider can be tricky. So how do you find the right translation agency to fit your needs? We have compiled a list of points to consider when preparing your document for translation, aimed at helping you to better understand the service you require. So here it is….Quick Guide for the Translation Buyer Part 1:

1. What kind of document do you need to translate? Is it legal? Scientific? Financial?

Some translators or translation agencies only work with specific content, and legal documents, for example, many times need to be translated by a certified translator, which may narrow down your search.

2. Which language(s) does your document need to be translated into?

There are many agencies that only work with a handful of languages or a particular flavor of a language. For example, if your document needs to be translated into English for use in the United States, you may want to consider finding a translator/agency that is specialized in that particular flavor of English.

3. Where will your document be used and who is the target audience?

It is important to think about your target audience so as to help the translator convey the proper tone and writing style for the document. A document to be used in court has a different style than a document used on the internet for marketing purposes, so communicating these needs is essential for facilitating the translation process and ensuring the highest quality of your document.

4. Does your document require any special services such as formatting or certification?

Evaluating this aspect will greatly narrow down your options, as many agencies and translators do not provide these services. Larger agencies are equipped to handle an array of formats and have a team of desktop publishers on staff who are prepared to work with complex document formats. Many agencies also have the resources available to certify your document. A simple internet search of agencies will help you find a one-stop solution for your translation needs.

Stay tuned in for more helpful tips for the translation buyer. In the meantime, if you are interested in finding out more about the translation services offered by Trusted Translations, click on the following link: https://www.trustedtranslations.com/services.asp

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