Translation into Spanish on the Internet

The translation industry has benefited greatly from the opportunities offered by the Internet, not only to offer their products and services en masse, but also to take advantage of any information provided by the Net, which provides services to translation agencies operating in this context and that are more comfortable and faster than traditional agencies, as well as improving teamwork at an international level

There are not many statistics on the volume of work handled by the translation market into Spanish. But there are some studies in this regard. For example, Spain’s National Statistics Institute (INE) compiles data on the translations of books done in Spain. Another study is conducted by the European Union on the Translation (SdT), which shows the activity of this service and its cost.

The conclusion of these studies is that the market for translation into Spanish that operates on the Internet is a young market, mostly born in the nineties, coinciding with massive access of companies to the Net. The business philosophy is based on quality, and the basic principle is customer satisfaction. On the other hand, quality systems are consistently used in the translation process, which comply with ISO 9000, DIN 2345 or LISA QA Model for software localization.

English is the dominant language as the language of origin and as target language.

The main buyers of translations are threefold: the commercial sector, the technology sector and the scientific sector.

The bank transfer payment system is safer and more efficient, but alternatives such as credit card or COD payments are also en vogue.

(Spanish version:

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