A Unique Language

Language carries with it information about who we are, how we express ourselves, our culture, and how we define the world around us. While taking a closer look into the languages spoken in the beautiful country of New Zealand, a place with so much to offer in every aspect, it’s significant to point out that its three official languages are English, Māori and New Zealand Sign Language.

A rare language, the Maori language (te reo Maori) is an important part of the culture and community of the Maori people as well as a significant element of the cultural identity and history of New Zealand. Worldwide it’s not highly recognized; nevertheless in 1987, the Maori language was recognized as an official New Zealand language. There are approximately 160,000 speakers of the Maori language (4.2% of the population) in New Zealand, although people generally tend to use English in their daily life. The names of many cities and places in New Zealand are derived from Maori, such as Rotorua, Taupo, Manukau, Tauranga, Waikato and Whangarei.

As many businesses and organizations are increasingly incorporating various languages in their day to day operations, many find that Māori is a useful tool in their branding, one that can increase access to local communities. As they continue utilizing the language on a daily basis, it has strengthened external communications with clients. Bilingual organizations in New Zealand focus on English and Māori ensuring that questions relating to services in these two languages are systematically addressed. They assure that the language is used appropriately and consistently in all modes of communication with clients and the public so that bilingual documents and translations are accurate and of a consistently high standard.

Visit our website to learn more about Sign language interpretation in general or to request a free quote for your interpretation or translation needs.


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