The importance of orthotypography

Though it is generally not a well known field, orthotypography is a key part of the process of text correction. According to José Martínez de Sousa, one of the most important thinkers on the subject, it can be defined as “a set of rules for the aesthetics and typographic script, which is applied to the presentation of graphic elements, such as bibliographies, illustrations, poems, contents, footnotes, quotations, bibliographic references, theatrical works, application of different font styles (round, italic, small capitals, and the combination of each of these), etc.

As well as looking at spelling,  correct page formatting, or the colors and blank spaces, Xosé Castro also points out that the typographical editor should pay attention to the correct usage of commas, capital and lower-case letters, abbreviations, acronyms, etc. in which some of the common errors are made in the translation of a text.

Generally speaking, typography correction is the task of editors and proofreaders, as well as the desktop publishing staff, who ensure the quality of the delivered product. This means that paying attention to the orthotypography is an essential part of the editing process, as is the layout (or diagramation), as it includes, from the organization of space and the graphic appearance to the language in itself.

Orthotypography covers a great number of details that should be considered when checking a translation. So if you’re looking for a translation of the highest quality, (with spelling corrections included), be sure to contact Trusted Translations, where orthotypographical controls are carried out constantly, with the aim of guaranteeing the excellence of the final product.

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