Translation of Android Apps on Google Play

Trusted Translations has been selected by Google to provide translations of the applications that are offered on the platform of all Android OS devices. The aim of this service is to provide translations or localization for applications and projects available on Google Play.

By means of this new feature, application developers will have the option to have their products translated to a large number of languages ​​available directly on the Google Play Developer Console.

As providers of translation services, our task is to deliver the highest quality translations within the best possible timeframe. For this endeavor we will be using a new, unique translation tool provided by Google through its personalized Google Translator Toolkit, which has been customized for this type of projects. This means that using the Google Translation Manager, we will translate and review in real time. The assigned translators will be able to access this tool through an active Gmail account.

The tool is user-friendly, the text layout is very clear and the translation is rendered that much more manageable. The process of translating via Google Translation Manager brings together 3 active parties: the application developer, the translation agency and the translators themselves. The developer chooses the language pairs and the type of service, Regular or Professional. The agency will be responsible for contacting the translators, assigning the project through the system and verifying adherence to the developer’s guidelines, as well as guaranteeing delivery times.

Today, there is an estimated 700,000 applications available on Google Play, and it is extremely important to have good-quality translations that convey the message faithfully. The possibility of offering a single application in many languages will significantly increase the number of users worldwide.

The translation of such a vast number of applications has represented an important challenge for the industry. Now, Trusted Translations will be responsible for ensuring quick, accurate app translations facilitating Google’s work, looking to attract a greater number of users who will be afforded the chance of enjoying many new applications on their devices.

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