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Trusted Translations on Facebook

With almost 5,000 fans on our two official Facebook pages (one in Spanish and another in English), Trusted Translations has 10 times more fans than the pages of other major translation companies.

Trusted Translations‘ English Page on Facebook has 3,000 fans and links to the articles published on Trusted Translation’s official blog, which is this one (

This page also displays the numerous comments from its fans.

Trusted Translations‘ Spanish Page on Facebook has 3,000 fans and links to the articles published on Trusted Translation’s official blog in Spanish:

This page also also displays the numerous comments from its fans.

Our Pages on Facebook

To the right of the homepage on Facebook, both in English and Spanish, a side panel with the total number of fans is listed, along with randomly chosen pictures of them.

Sharing our Blogs on Facebook

Any of our blogs can be shared on Facebook simply by clicking Share, located to the right of our pages.

Commenting on our Blogs Using Facebook Connect

When you log in using Facebook Connect, you can leave a comment and also publish the comment in your profile.

Our Success on Facebook

We are extremely satisfied with the results of these initial experiences on Facebook, since between the two pages we have a total of 5,000 fans, whereas the pages of larger translation companies, such as SDL or Lionbridge, have no more than 500, i.e. 10% of our total today.

We believe that the key to our success is variety of content, which is all created by professionals.

For this reason, we would like to thank our fans and followers and ask that they continue to support us in our growth and continue to share our pages with their friends on Facebook.

We Invite You to Get Connected or Invite Friends

Remember that our official Facebook page in English: and our official Facebook page in Spanish: are waiting for your visit with original articles that are packed with information.

We invite you to get connected or to invite your friends, since our Facebook fans receive automatic updates about our blogs.

Thank you for you support!!