Why Budget Translations for 2013

The year 2012 has come to an end and the budgets have already been defined for 2013. Many companies have been expanding and entered new markets, especially International markets, which resulted companies in having to invest in Translation Services. This trend has been increasing strongly in 2012 as companies are constantly looking for new business opportunities.

The reality of budgeting for translation services is that most companies do not incorporate these costs into their budgets, as they do not realize early enough in the process the needs and benefits of having translated documents specifically for their target market. Especially when a company goes or is globally active, it needs to have their Marketing and Sales documents translated into the target language of where the company wants to sell their product/s. It can be very embarassing presenting Marketing and Sales material that is badly translated, such as machine translation, which is why it is very important to seek a trust worthy translation agency in order to present one´s Marketing and Sales material in a professional way. This material varies from websites, to user manuals, brochures and legal documents to correspondence e-mails.

A good example of not planning the translation budget on time, is when business opportunities have to be held off for next quarter or even next year, because the translation cost was never included in the budget. I have had several clients to whom that had happened, and I was informed that the business opportunity was lost, as they had not been aware of the costs.

Please click here if you are interested in receiving a free and detailed quote on any type of translation, such as document translations, over the phone interpretations on site interpretation services or ASL Services.







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