Services Included in the Localization of Websites

 What does localization mean?

It is the process of the translation of software or a website (Menu, Help, Tool bars, etc.) from one language to another, without changing the source codes. This is done using specialized software (CAT Tools). For all companies that want their website in more than one language, Trusted Translations offers a wide range of website translation Services, also known Website Globalization. Regardless of the complexity of a website, our team takes care of the whole process, and if necessary works in collaboration with the customer’s designer/author team, to make the site work for its target market.

What are the services included in the price?

For the application of bilingual or multilingual websites, whether or not the customer uses web publication tools and conventional workflows, Trusted Translations ensures that the website translation is culturally correct, and appropriate for the target audience.

The localization of websites includes:

  • Localization of all user interfaces, graphics, multimedia components and documentation.
  • Use of translation memory technologies (CAT Tools) for optimizing consistency and reducing costs (repetitions).
  • Delivery of translations in their original HTML format, or even uploading the files to the server.
  • Translating the page title and its links into the target language.
  • Adding a languages bar (according to the customer’s needs).
  • Translation of meta tags, alt labels and tables.
  • Localization of numerous workflows for web publication depending on the proposed scenario.
  • Online Web QA – Complete and exhaustive quality control over processes and/or trials required by the customer.
  • Customer review and approval at key points in the process.

Complete or partial localization?

Instead of translating an entire website, you can opt just to localize the main pages. Some pages tend not to receive as many visits as others, so the cost of translating them isn’t always justified.

What’s the next step?

The pages to be translated can be sent in Word (.doc) format, or as original source files (.asp, .htm(l), .php, .xml, .Js, etc.). Ideally the content of original files is copied into Word, as this method probably won’t include: page title, description, Meta Tags, etc., which are essential when wishing to come up in search engines in the target language.

(Versión en español

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