How a Super Bowl Commercial Became a Multilingual Win

One of the most coveted spots for marketing in American broadcasting are the commercial times during the Super Bowl. There is a lot of competition, so all the candidates are carefully selected and companies pay top-notch money for this opportunity. To earn a spot one has to be creative yet accessible. A famous cola brand created quite a stir with their commercial this year.

The commercial is like many family-friendly commercials, with a warm ambience and happy people. The ad showcases diversity. The main thing that makes this ad stand out is that it features a multilingual rendition of “America the Beautiful.” The song includes voices and lyrics in 7 different languages including Spanish. “America the Beautiful” is considered one of the United States’ most patriotic songs. While the U.S. only has one national language, English, it has a steady stream of immigration. The cola manufacturer is recognizing that the U.S. has become a very diverse market. This ad uses an old tradition and adapts it to the world today. It recognizes how the demographic has evolved and celebrates it.

An ad like this takes a lot of work. Setting aside the actual visual production of the video, let’s look at this from a translation point of view. First of all, there are the translations of the song into 6 different languages. Not only that, but there may have also been some creative writing included to make sure the song flowed from one language to the other. Then there is the search for voice talents of 7 diverse people. Lastly, we need to consider the production of editing the different audios into one and burning them onto the video.

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