Multimedia Translation

High-quality multimedia translations are a must for the entertainment and media industry. Having worked with top companies in both of this related industry segments, Trusted Translations has developed unique expertise in various types of specialized multimedia translations, including subtitling, dubbing, voice-over, and lip-syncing.

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Video and audio have become the new mainstays of communication—if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million. As people around the world get more comfortable using video and audio and gain more access to multimedia tools, multinational corporations and government organizations are relying more and more on multimedia platforms to train and educate their target audiences.

Trusted Translations has developed a specialized division dedicated to handling all types of multimedia translation services.


Almost every form of video requires subtitling in multiple languages if it is to have a wider reach. International markets are of especially critical importance for the success of educational and entertainment video content; the popularity of streaming services like Netflix and Hulu has led to increased demand for subtitling worldwide. Research has even shown that viewers aged 18-25 actually prefer to watch media with subtitles on.

Subtitling involves much more than simple translation; it requires a highly technical and precise process to ensure that the audience can understand every scene with spoken or written content. Subtitling also presents unique challenges, such as working within character restrictions to make sure the subtitles do not take longer to read than the length of the scene itself.

At Trusted Translations, our specialized multimedia translation teams have worked with top entertainment and educational companies to handle all their subtitling needs.


Dubbing is the process of adding new, spoken audio content to replace the existing soundtrack in a video production. Widely used in markets where subtitling doesn’t fully accomplish the producers’ objectives, dubbing is a more universal method of converting video productions for international markets. Since it does not require reading, it is ideal for children and for markets with lower levels of general education. Many companies also prefer dubbing because it more closely reflects the viewing and listening experience of the original production.

In order for video content to be properly dubbed, the dialogue must be translated by a team of experts to produce text that, once spoken, will match the lips of the original actor. Trusted Translations has dubbed thousands of hours of video content for almost every market and is ready to support all your dubbing needs.

Did You Know?
Netflix's non-English viewership has increased by 71 percent since 2019.
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Approximately 86% of businesses use videos as a marketing tool.
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Half of American viewers use subtitles most of the time.
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Video helps boost retention and recall among most e-Learners.
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Did You Know?


Lip synchronization (sync) is a process where audio is inserted to match the lip movements of the original actors. Lip-syncing is key to many feature-length films, since it helps the audience better understand the content and creates the illusion that it was originally filmed in the dubbed language.

Lip-syncing and dubbing go hand in hand, as it is critical to match the re-recorded audio with the lips of the live actors or animated characters to deliver the production quality that audiences expect. Often, it is also necessary to modify the original translation to shorten the time the lines take to be spoken. This can pose a problem when dubbing between languages that use more words in one language to convey the same meaning as in the other, such as moving from English to Spanish.

At Trusted Translations, our language expertise―especially in Spanish translation services―equips our multimedia translators to navigate these challenges with ease.


Voice-over translation services are commonly used in video productions to replace audio content not spoken by an actor in a particular scene. Documentaries, for example, commonly use voice-overs, since there is usually a narrator’s voice in the background describing a scene.

Voice-over services do not require the same level of precision involved in dubbing or subtitling; however, they still must pay careful attention to the length of the translated text and how it matches up with the original video. Therefore, an effectively translated voice-over requires the proper equipment as well as extensive expertise.

At Trusted Translations, we have years of experience providing voice-over services and will work with your organization to ensure the highest quality output. To learn more about our multimedia translation services, please reach out to us today.