Who Let The Dogs Out?

If you are like me, you’ve probably found yourself watching news and videos online featuring man’s fluffy-best friends. There’s no better way to lift your spirit than watching puppy videos online. Let’s face it, who doesn’t love puppies?

When it comes to referring to our beloved four-legged friends, there are new terms taking the spotlight on social media which have made quite an impact on our vocabulary. They’re not just dogs anymore, we can call them doggos or woofers, puppers, pupperinos, fluffers, boofers, good boi and good gurl, long boi or fat boi, and we refer to their actions in onomatopoeic terms such as bork, blep, mlem and blop.

These terms refer to actions made by dogs, for example, a blop is when a puppet let’s his tongue out due to being tired and sweaty, and a mlem is simply when they lick their paws or just stick their tongue out. It’s no secret that dogs have a way of communicating among themselves and with their humans. Now humans are redirecting fluffer-love to a new linguistic horizon. Since social media came to be, dog lovers have started a trend of creating social profiles for their woofer companions. This led to an Internet full of fluffer pictures and comments which then led to (in the most recent times) the creation of Memes and Gifs featuring cute and funny pupperinos. Doggos make for a great variety of Memes and GIFs, and, as they grow in popularity, so do newer ways to refer to them. And some of the terms mentioned above may very well have come from Internet postings and become part of a new linguistic branch.

As media develops, we can’t avoid being influenced by others in the virtual world. The Internet has opened a dark hole, which is pulling us little-by-little into a never-ending spiral of virtual relationships and images that have now taken over our lives. So, as dog lovers evolved in the media (and cat lovers as well, let’s not leave them out of the equation, they’re to blame too), more and more people became influenced by it, to the point where it’s now making its way into dictionaries. Even Merriam-Webster is considering including this terminology in future publications.

So, get acquainted with the terms and get in line with the times because pretty soon, wooferlingo will be part of your research for future projects. And, if you are to translate your pet’s diary, please know that we take care of even the smallest details and we’ll make sure the wooferlingo used gets to your final audience.

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