Custom Neural Machine
Translation Engines

Custom Neural Machine Translation Engines (CNMTEs) are built specifically for clients that have a large volume of translations in a specific domain (i.e., content vertical). These custom engines can be a significant asset to any organization that needs to translate a large volume of highly specialized content.

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Trusted Translations is on the cutting edge of this technology, being one of the world leaders in providing high-quality translations using Custom Neural Machine Translation Engines. By leveraging our technology, companies can achieve secure, high-quality translations of vast amounts of information, all at a fraction of the cost and time involved in a typical human translation process.
The following are some of the typical characteristics and objectives of translation projects that may be good candidates for our Custom Neural Machine Translation offering:

• Large volume of content
• Highly specialized content
• The need for fast turnaround times
• The need for the highest ROI

Projects that once were deemed impossible or cost-prohibitive using a traditional human translation process are now possible through the implementation of a Custom Neural Machine Translation solution. Trusted Translations has an IT team dedicated to implementing these client-specific solutions, and they are available for a free consultation to help you determine whether the entire volume of your translation―or perhaps just specific scopes of it―can benefit from this technology.

Just keep in mind that a CNMTE is not an impossible dream. Improved technologies, more accessible platforms and services, and smaller volumes of corpora are all factors that contribute to bringing this powerful solution within your reach.
When security is a concern, CNMTE offers the most secure way of translating material; it can be tailored to meet the most stringent requirements of both the private and public sectors. We have experience deploying these solutions in highly secure government environments while meeting the toughest industry and IT regulations.

Did You Know?
The European Patent Office uses a custom neural machine engine to translate global patents.
Did You Know?
Neural machine translation relies on deep learning to facilitate translation.
Did You Know?
Custom MTEs are vastly preferable to training generic engines from scratch.
Did You Know?
Neural MTEs "learn" and improve over time, especially with high volume projects.
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Did You Know?

Custom Machine Translation and Human Post-Editing Workflow

As you can see in the illustration of a sample Custom Machine Translation Engine workflow, the process can be integrated directly into the client’s Content Management System (CMS). This facilitates its implementation and eventually leads to faster turnaround times and seamless deliveries. In this case, the Translation Management System merges Customized Machine Translation and Human Post-Editing into a single environment. Furthermore, corrections applied by the post-editor to the machine translation output not only go back to the client’s CMS for final publishing, but are also fed back into the Custom Neural MT Engine for machine learning and incremental retraining, rendering the engine more “intelligent.” Quality thus improves significantly over time. This is especially true for projects involving high volumes of content in the same domain (industry vertical).

Integrating specific terminology to complement this process, such as domain- or client-specific glossaries, can contribute to increased accuracy and consistency. Such integrations involve placing terms within the proper context, in a fashion that ensures they are always expressed in their most accurate form taking into account prototypical inflectional categories, such as number, tense, person, case, gender, etc. This correctly applied terminology ends up forming part of the retraining process that ensures their accurate use in your translations.

Developing a Custom Neural Machine Translation Engine (CNMTE) will incrementally improve the quality of the output over time, building up an asset that will set you apart from your competitors. CNMTE leverages state-of-the-art technology to improve automated content using expert human post-editors, linguists and engineers.
Please contact us today, and we will schedule a free evaluation to help you determine whether this solution is right for you and your organization.