Criticisms of Edition

In our daily work we receive comments on the work of the editors. That is, the editors correct the work of translators and, in turn, receive feedback on their own work.

On this point, it should be noted that comments on the edition should address errors which have been overlooked by the editors, for example, a spelling mistake, a typographical error or a failure to work according to a client’s glossary given to the editors in advance of their work.

There are situations that are considered errors, but are not. And this is where I want to address in this article: the fact of using one expression instead of another of equal meaning without altering the original meaning of the text or change the register of the document is not a mistake, it is a preference.

The idea that should be reflected in the translated document is that it can be drafted in several correct ways, using synonymous terms and expressions.

Why use “pursuant to” instead of “in accordance with” in a contract? It is a matter of preference. This is a clear example of two synonymous expressions that do not alter the meaning of the idea being expressed.

Accordingly, when analyzing a translation project and, therefore, analyzing the work of the editors, errors of preference should be clearly distinguished from issues that are not errors.

In the event that, for various reasons, the final version must include certain terminology that is approved by the customer, it is necessary to know the terminology “preferred” BEFORE the editing stage so that the delivery version reflects these preferences.

(Spanish version:

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