
We often get a translation on a topic that we don’t know in detail. What should we do? We have a few possibilities: If we

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The RAE Dictionary

What do we mean when we say that the RAE (Real Academia Española) Dictionary is the only “accepted” dictionary for translating into or from Spanish?

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Lost in Translation:

The administration of the City of Buenos Aires, headed by the businessman Mauricio Macri, appears to have translated and adopted a common environmental campaign slogan

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What does it mean to use “vos” instead of “tú” when speaking Spanish? It’s a phenomenon that has its origins in the Spanish spoken in

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Neutral Spanish

What does “neutral Spanish” mean? This has been a hotly debated topic in many sectors, particularly in the field of translation. It has been decided

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Language Preservation Policies

Public policies aiming to preserve a national language are most commonly associated with small nations, whether they be small nation-states (i.e., Iceland, Ireland, and Estonia)

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The Famous Welsh Sign

I first came across this sign a few months ago, but I feel it’s important to complement justinb’s post to emphasize that ANYONE interested in

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Language Change and Technology

Following up on my last blog, it is worth discussing another important cause of language change: technology. While technological innovation and dissemination have always influenced

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