To Edit or Start from Scratch?

A common scenario for our clients is when they find themselves doubting whether or not to edit or re-translate a document (article, website, or legal document) that did not meet their expectations the first time around.

This situation can arise from having used an unprofessional translation agency, or having requested a rush translation. However, now that the urgency of the situation has passed, the outcome of that haste has been reviewed, and it definitely does not meet the quality standards that were set out to be achieved. So, what’s more convenient? Asking a new agency to work on the first agency’s product? Or completely starting over and asking for a new translation that will finally have the level of quality that it was expected to have the first time around.

Each situation has, as we can see, its pros and cons. For example, if you successfully created a glossary, or at least a list of preferential words during the first translation of the text (especially when it comes to technical translations or cultural content), this knowledge is valuable and must be kept in the final version. There is a risk that during the second attempt, these preferences will be forgotten or lost. In which case it would be better to edit the initial translation than to take the liberty of creating a new translation from scratch.

At the same time, if the quality of the first attempt was not accepted, or if there is a lot of room for improvement, there should be no doubt that it would be best to re-do the translation from scratch. This way, we would also be making sure not to include any errors (either orthographic or syntactic) that were committed in the first translation.

Trusted Translations maintains its quality standards by including at least 3 steps during the translation process: translation, editing and proofreading.

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