Trusted Translations at Google I/O 2014

As one of the main providers of Android application localization services within the Google Play Developer Console, Trusted Translations has been invited to participate in Google I/O 2014. Richard Estevez, CEO of Trusted Translations, will attend the conference on behalf of the company.

On June 25 and 26, the seventh Google I/O conference will be held in Mountain View, California, where the tech giant will showcase new services and products. This year, the event will focus on topics such as development, distribution and product design.

There is a lot of anticipation surrounding the presentation of the news concerning Android Wear, an interface specifically designed for wearables. Although the company already gave a sneak peek in the middle of May, we really expect to see the full picture at Google I/O. The already-hyped Google Glass is part of this anticipation and it is speculated that the company will announce its commercial launch date, closing out the extended trial phase. Recently, a limited amount of what was described as “a more open beta version” of the product went on sale, but at a value of $1,500 per unit.

The big news perhaps will be Android TV, since Google has kept a tight lid on this service.  What we know thus  far is that it will allow manufacturers and developers to use a smart television to deliver their services. It may sound similar to Google TV, but everything points in the direction of  Android videogames and other online services.

I am sure developers will be excited by the introduction of several new support tools for creating new apps, such as “App Indexing,” which will be elaborated on as part of the session entitled, “The future of Apps and Search.” This service allows the developer to link content located on different platforms with just one click.

In “Going global with Google Play,” key information will be presented on penetrating the main international markets along with an analysis of trends regarding successful apps and games in those regions. One of the speakers at this session will be Hirotaka Yoshitsugu, the director of Google Play Apps in Japan.

This year, the Google Developer Experts will play a big role. This is an elite group of the best developers in Google technologies who, at the same time, do not work directly for the company (there are roughly 100 throughout the world). Their presence at Google I/O will not go unnoticed.

Fortunately, those who thought they would have to wait until July to get news about the Android update (version 4.5) and about the Nexus 8 tablet will not have to wait. To the delight of many, it was confirmed that they will be presented at Google I/O 2014.

Those who wish to watch the conference online can do so via the Google I/O live stream.

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